okayy. first of all, work at gv. sucks to the core, as always. quite a few are leaving.. and sadly they are the closer ones. which means! i'm leaving that horrid place too. hahaha. hopefully i get a job somewhere and able to get into uni. (: that bitch from hell just sucks and everyone just hates her like mad. probably quitting end of march or beginning april. I KNOW, MISS COLLEN. you've been asking me to quit since i duno when. hahaha. i seriously am quitting already. (:
oh well. recently caught up with amanda and mich! sec sch frens. (: had suki buffet with them. they're the sweetest. (: and absolutely know my pattern inside out. kinda glad i knew them in pri sch although we always fought over the smallest things and beating each other. HAHA. i still remember!
anddd. yest met my collen dear for horton. both slept during the show. (hehe) supposed to watch step up 2. but that woman said we were late for 5mins and its full house den she dunwan watch. kns one. make me run from suntec to marina. in the end had qi ji for dinner with her and talked bout stuff again. its nice to know you can talk bout anything to someone. gossips, problems and much more. (:
hopefully able to meet up with wj, shankar, boon and uncle tmr! i dont care who no money, no time, or next day work morning! how many years never meet already!!! 10,000!
oh yes, i miss kid and the crew. :( pictures!


at kbox! ahah. someone got drunk.