got a call this morning. ask me teacher sec 5 combined science with chem and physics. ohmygodd. when my grades for science was a C. although its pure science. but i didnt even take physics for o levels. i am so amazing.
stupid tan jui kiang's FIT lesson was damn boring. poor liyi, mans and fido dido got chased out. ma piak. they sit in your class cannot meh. somemore so boring. piak. anyway. i was entertained by ricky. hahahaha. anyway. tan jui kiang sucks lah.
went ricky's house to pei them with mj. read up chem and physics. macham i havent pass my o levels. ohman. think cannot lah. i read book and played one round. sure lose wan. suayy. :(
alrighty. tuition at that kiddo's house. marsiling rise. it was just beside man's house. even more amazing. hahahha. i could have waved : HI MANSSSS.
dinner with them back at admiralty.
okayy! time for picturesss!

omg mans is bleeding!
mingyao and ricky all dolled up!
HAHA. both of them posing! (:
mingyao acting cutee. HAHA.
hahaha! i wrote a portable for ricky's shirt!
in the end he made holes for patrick to wear. -.-