took cab to school with ricky, mans and ah lian! ju-lian! hahahhaha.. went to west mall to meet liyi for subway for breakfast! yayness! long time no subway liao. hahaha..
went back to school early.. to prepare my tuition kid's stuff. made questions for him based on tys. went for ah bun's lesson at 1. tutorial at 2.. ah bun used his ugly handwritting and wrote us an essay for a question. and its only worth duno how many marks.
went tuition kid's house.. for 2 hrs! hahahaha.. 60 bucks! yay! hehehe.. i hope he passes man.. i taught him quite alot of stuff today liao.
took train home! went back to run. hahaha.. yayness! talked to ah wen on the way back.. debating on who advance booking who for next week. hahahah.. pity me please. i need give tuition on my birthday next thurs. and ah wen cant celebrate my birthday with me on the actual day! so he book me on friday. its okayy! much loves! (:
i want to play mahjong on thurs night! dont care who got review on friday! cos i also have review on friday! hahahaha.. (:

ah bun's answers!

my answers! just for one question

my new lappy! hahahahha. (: