went home around 130am and slept like a pig. hahaha.. thanks to ahwen and ricky who woke me up! was super sick todayy. sneezed and coughed like nobody's business. poor me can!
today everybody chiong-ed for their panal review.. hahahaha.. skipped lunch to do my database programming thing..
thanks to the stupid china guy, whom didnt help me at all.. i managed to burn all my brain cells and able to save the sent msges into the database! hoorayy!!
panal review started at 330.. ended at 430 for us. just for our group.. duno why we're always the first and longest one.. hmms.
went to meet liyi to wait for the rest for their review to finish.. most of us are cui-ed. hahahaa.. but anw! we were still happy after that! *relieved! (:
met ahwen at kallang and bussed homeee. ate dinner and someone wanted to buy some weights ahh. hahaha.. anw! funny pic we saw at sportslink!! i asked him to bring it nearer for me to see.. cos i dunwan touch it! its for guys. HAHAHAHA.

cup and athletic supporter. HAHAHHAHA.
ahwen, i buy for your birthday pls?