went for dinner yest with ricky, adrian at rail mall.. after that alan came along and 3 of them went jacuzzi at adrian's place. damn damn funny laa.. i was sitting there laughing.. hahahaa.. anddd. all never wear underwear inside. ohmygod can. obscene.!
went home after that cos i felt super hot. went home to rest and put ice on my face.. luckily my sister came home and helped me and took my temperature. 39.3 la! amazing. she was surprised i still could talk to her. haahahaha. she said i shld be in coma or smth.. LOL.
alrights. went school early today cos my dear kid lost her wallet.. but i nth to do at home also la.. hahha. lunched with kid, umar and kid's new crush. HAHAHAHA. (:
thanks to ba chor man for accompanying me to see doctor even though it was closed when we reached! hahahahh.. alrights. think i'll jus see doctor tmr. taa!

the start.